At a foot of the snowy mountain, inside a cave, divine souled Ved Vyas was seated on a straw carpet after purifying himself following his routine principles of deep meditation with calm mind. At that time, he contemplates history of Bharat (known as Epic Mahabharat) from beginning to end as a vision, like it was happened in front of himself.
He contemplates how whole universe was created from a giant egg generated from nothingness, how everything inside universe was created one after another and how it gets destroys on days of dooms. How perception of time like day-night, month, years, yugas etc. as well as various seasons, directions were surfaced on earth. How world of divine looks like. How movable and immovable world was created. How living beings and nature were created on earth.
Combining all knowledge which was listened and remembered, he compiled it in history of Bharat. He made various versions of history and was thinking, ‘how he can teach this history to disciples?’, ‘how he can spread this knowledge to people?’
At that time, knowing intension of Ved Vyas for people’s welfare and interest, lord of creation – Brahma arrives in front of him being a guide. Seeing lord Brahma in front of him, Ved Vyas gets surprised. He immediately greets and welcomes lord Brahma standing there. After that, with due care, he arranged seat for lord Brahma with other ascetics.
When lord Brahma seated on supreme seat, Ved Vyas circumambulates around him with worship then stops standing in front of supreme seat with modesty. With instruction of lord Brahma, Ved Vyas takes seat. His heart was full of happiness and excitement. Pure smile was visible on his face.
Ved Vyas expresses his thoughts to lord Brahma, “Supreme lord, I had created most reverend epic. In this epic, I had included essence of secrets from all Vedas and scriptures as well as Upanishads as extensive part of story. Brainstorming and referencing history and Puranas, I had created this epic with past, present and future tenses.
I had explained truth and falsehood behind ageing, death, fear, disease and other materialistic things. I also explained duties related to four classes of humans (Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra) as well as importance of penance and celibacy. I had explained evidences of Earth, Moon, Sun, Planets and Constellations with different eras (Yugas). I also explained opinions from study of Vedas and other equivalent spiritual and ceremonial verses.
With explanation of justice, education, therapy, charity as well as spiritualism (releasing one’s soul from body), I had also described reasons of soul’s birth in different living creatures. With virtues of sacred grounds and glory of kingdoms, I had also described rivers, mountains, forests as well as seas. In this divine epic, I had also explained splendorous creations and art of war. I also highlighted people with linguistical difference and other worldly affairs. I had included all important things which are helpful to people but, I am worried that I can’t find anyone on earth to write this epic.”
Lord Brahma replied, “Ved Vyas, among all ascetics with typical penance or typical ancestry, I consider you the best because you are apprehender of mysterious knowledge of universe, living beings and spiritualism. I know that throughout your whole life, your words always convey truth. As you had called your creation an epic, it will always be known as an epic in future. In this universe, as other three stage of life couldn’t surpass specialty of familial life, there will not be a poet who could create a poem which can surpass specialty of your epic. You should evoke Shree Ganesh to write your epic.”
After giving this instruction to Ved Vyas, lord Brahma returned to his abode.
Thereafter, Ved Vyas evoked Shree Ganesh and on this evocation, Shree Ganesh, who resolves all worries of devotees, appeared in front of him. Ved Vyas welcomed Lord Ganesh and offered him a seat.
When lord Ganesh took seat, Ved Vyas requested, “Supreme leader of divine order, I want you to be a writer of this epic created by me. I want you to write as I speak. I had already created it in my mind.”
Lord Ganesh replied, “Ved Vyas, if you ensure that while doing so, I wouldn’t have to stop writing for a very small moment, I will become writer for this epic.”
Ved Vyas replied, “Lord Ganesh, do not write anything without understanding it.”
Lord Ganesh accepted it by saying ‘Om’.
Afterword, Ved Vyas intentionally started making complications in epic. Sometime, he spoke chants which directly say something and indirectly say different thing.
As per Ved Vyas, there are eight thousand eight hundred (8,800) chants in epic that only few understands. Those chants are so complicated that it’s very difficult till today to resolve mystery inside them. While writing, lord Ganesh himself paused for moments to understand chant and at that span of resting time, Ved Vyas created new chants.
This is how legendary epic ‘Mahabharat’ took its physical form.
(Note: As per Sanatan Dharma, all divine lords who have no physical form, lives in realm other than mortal realm. As per Sanatan Dharma, there are total fourteen realms and earth is the seventh realm where mortal lives. When people with higher virtue evokes divine beings or spiritual existence, they visit earth on that evocation.)
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